The LLJ Blog
Discerning What is Right for You
Recently, a friend reached out to me asking for my thoughts. She had watched a video that stated Christians absolutely should not listen to secular music of any kind and she wanted to know my take on it.
Pregnancy Reflections
While I have become a much more private version of myself online lately, there are delights and frustrations I have experienced in this season that someone may benefit from hearing. I hope my honesty can help an amiga feel less alone in her pregnancy experiences, serve as a heads up for future mothers-to-be, or even provide a lesson for someone that can make them an even better amiga to a pregnant person in the future.
What the First Day of Seminary Means to Me
Today marks my first day of seminary and I can’t stop thinking of a specific scene. I was 10 years old, sitting on my bedroom floor when I pulled out my diary and wrote out a bucket list. I can still see it.
Asking Myself the Hard Questions
A couple of weeks ago was the anniversary of my grandmother passing away. My mom visited the cemetery and sent me a picture of her gravestone. For the first time, I realized something that was pivotal to me.
Summer Loving con Ivette
I’m just going to come out and say it - Summer is my least favorite season. I won’t say I hate it per se, but I’m convinced it hates me. Regardless, I’ve learned that the key to enduring months of triple digit weather is to intentionally seek out things that bring me joy, fun and rest.
Summer Loving con Lydia
This summer has been a bit different for me as I have intentionally leaned into a season of pursuing simplicity, contentment and slowness. To that end, I want to share three things I have particularly enjoyed this season that are low or no cost and high satisfaction…
Hearing from God
What does God sound like? This is a question that many of us have asked, many times, with a tone of shame. What if we approached it with curiosity instead?
Embracing My Christian Latina Identity: God's Beautiful Cultural Tapestry
Through the lens of my cultural heritage, I have witnessed God's intentional design and His divine plan for my life. In this blog, I want to share my reflections on the intersection of my Christian faith and Latina identity, remembering the gift that it is and encouraging my fellow Latina sisters to do the same.
A Recent Reflection on Comparison
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to preach at Sowers Summit in New York. I plan to write more in depth about the experience as a whole but I am still processing a lot of it so today we’ll focus on comparison.
Leaving When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going
Recently, my family entered into a new season when, after 14 years of serving in ministry at our church, my husband and I felt the call to transition away. I am sharing three prayers that I have had on repeat before God and what I have been processing from these prayers.
Why Spanish Worship Matters To Us
Why Spanish worship holds a special place in our hearts and 2 curated playlists featuring praise songs and another with worship song, representing diverse worship leaders from across Latin America.
How’s Your Hope?
How can hope, an essential element of our Christian walk that the Bible says will remain along with faith and love, make us sick?
Your Ideal Getaway
I recently chatted with a friend on IG Live and one of the questions she asked me was what my ideal vacation would be. Instantly, images of tropical getaways, international holidays steeped in history and culture and adventurous excursions ran through my mind.
3 Things Colors are Teaching Me
Growing up, we wore what we found on the sale rack, y punto. As an adult, my one personal style rule has been a comfort. I love to admire fashion trends, but I always default back to what I'm comfortable in, and for the last decade, neutrals have been my comfort. Yet here I was, 45 minutes into this podcast episode, and I, the forever-in-neutral girl, was curious about my knockout colors.
Let Them Be Little & Let Them Grow Too
Amigas, here is a cuentito (little story) about how I recently got my heart broken over a home update.
What I Understand About Therapy Now
I started seeing a therapist a year and a half ago. Here is what I understand about therapy now:
3 Ways to Infuse Cultura into Your Home
Trends will end and styles will vary, so we won’t get into all that here. Instead, these are 3 easy ways for us to infuse our culture in our casas. Let’s get into it!
Gardening is Life
In 2018, we bought our first home and I, a bona fide city girl, began gardening. I use the term gardening very lightly because those first couple of years I did more killing than growing.
A Summer Booklist for Growing Deeply
A summer booklist that includes some deep theology, solid history, and some of the most spectacular storytelling I’ve read in a long time.
Bienvenidas to The LLJ Blog!
Go pour yourself a cafe and enjoy this new room in our internet casita, the LLJ Blog.